I am a corporate guy by day and a videomaker by night

What I am currently working on

  1. I work in Business Intelligence (computer stuff) at l’Oréal in Paris.

  2. On my youtube channel, I talk about the skills I have mastered and the ones I am working on

  3. On this website, I write about articles about Tech, French, my school life in France and other little projects around the year

  4. I am most unsuccessful in making money online. Knowing my adamancy, I will make it someday!

Get in Touch

  1. 🐦 Twitter - If you have got a short question or message (<280 characters), please tweet @JoshuaBalata and I will get back to you as soon as I can. I am also quite active on instagram.

  2. 📹 Youtube - If it is something specific to my school journey / french / jobs in France, leave a comment a youtube video where I am talking about it and I will get around to responding to you or featuring it in an QnA session of my next video